Our Practices

We believe in supporting people and the planet by employing a number of sustainable farming methods.

Our Practices

  • Our aquaponic system enables us to grow fresh produce year-round. Our greens are nourished by nutrient rich water and fertilized by fish effluent. Unlike some aquaponic systems, our fish are not raised for consumption. While many aquaponics farmers introduce trout or tilapia to their systems, we decided on Koi. Since introducing them to the system, they’ve developed into big, beautiful fish that are more like pets than anything.

  • Hügelkultur gardens are built to imitate the natural decomposition process found in nature. They are built in layers; large chunks of wood on the bottom, next a layer of smaller woody material, then as much organic material (garden debris, grass clippings, leafs, etc.) on top as we can find and lastly covered in soil. The compostable biomass allows plants to be grown on the Hügelkultur while a thriving microbiome transforms the layers into usable plant food.

  • We treat our soil like the living organism that it is. By integrating farm-made compost and microbial rich liquid fertilzers into our gardens, combined with working in a low-till system, we’re able to be efficient with space, build up soil nutrients, foster biodiversity, and keep our soil full of life!

  • We strive to minimize the amount of outside inputs we bring onto our farm by allowing nature to do its job of providing the essential nutrients plants need through natural processes, that we tailor to suit the needs of the farm.

  • Our leaves, shoots, and mixes are delivered unwashed to maintain freshness. Packing greens dry and fresh from the farm reduces the risk of early deterioration that trapped water may cause. However, you should still wash your produce! Just wait until you’re ready to eat.

  • A zucchini from us might be a half the size of what’s on grocery store shelves but that’s intentional! Our produce and greens are carefully harvested at growth stages that yield exceptional flavor.